About Dr. Spitzer
Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer
General Secretary, ABCUSA
Dr. Lee B. Spitzer is the author of Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust: The Hand of Sincere Friendship (Judson Press, 2017). In September 2016, he was awarded a PhD degree in Theology for his work on Baptists and the Holocaust from Vrije University (Free University) Amsterdam, in association with the International Baptist Study Centre. He serves as the General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA.
Dr. Spitzer is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:16-20). He has preached the gospel and taught on spiritual journeying in the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Japan, Myanmar (Burma), the Philippines, Brazil, Egypt, the Congo, Zambia, Uganda and Haiti. All of the churches he has served have enthusiastically supported the full range of ABC missions work. He thoroughly enjoys the ethnic, racial and theological diversity of our American Baptist family.
Dr. Spitzer enjoys leading retreats on Christian spirituality. He has authored Endless Possibilities: Exploring the Journeys of Your Life (1997) and the companion Endless Possibilities Course Book (2001). In A Summer’s Journey (2001), he chronicled his unique pilgrimage to Israel during a summer of terrorism and turmoil. He has also created an intercessory peace campaign called “Praying for Peace in the Middle East.” He authored three articles on children’s spirituality for the Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development (Sage, 2006). Jesus Christ from Cover to Cover (2006) explores the Messianic theme from Genesis to Revelation. His first book for Judson Press, Making Friends, Making Disciples, was published in 2010.